Diabetes or hyperglycemia is a condition which occurs due to poor sugar metabolism in body. Human body needs glucose to supply it to the cells for energy production. If cells do not get energy, they are unable to perform their functions, which is severely harmful to overall health. Body needs insulin to metabolize sugar, insulin is a type of hormone produced by pancreas which carries sugar from blood to cells where it gets absorbed for energy production. Lack of insulin in body or poor quality insulin raises the level of sugar in blood as body is unable to utilize it for energy production. Hyperglycemia can be categorized broadly into two categories type 1 and type 2.
Type 1 is caused by lesser insulin or no insulin production, type 2 is insulin resistant diabetes in which cells of the body do not absorb glucose or sugar provided by insulin. Type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1. High sugar level in blood is harmful for body in various ways. It creates scarcity of energy and severe weakness, causes sudden and substantial weight loss and also harms the nervous system.
Diabetes is for life and once this disorder has settled-in, it stays forever and proper management of sugar levels is the only way to protect the health. Dietary and lifestyle changes and proper treatment collectively provide proper sugar management and keep its level in blood within a healthy limit. Sugar is not all the way harmful and it is necessary for life as having low sugar levels in blood is equally serious as high blood sugar. So, keeping its level within healthy limits is good for health as it allows a person to lead normal life. Body obtains sugar from foods one eats. During digestion, liver stores this sugar in the form of glycogen to fulfil energy requirements later.
Causes of diabetes are not known exactly, some factors increase the chances in a person to suffer with this problem, tendency to eat too much sugary, starch or high carb foods, genetic predisposition, hypertension, high cholesterol and pancreatic issues are commonly found causes which increase chances in a person for high blood sugar. Lethargic lifestyle, use of tobacco, smoking, untimely diet and poor digestion can increase sugar levels in blood by varying its level few times in a day. Proper diet can be immensely helpful in controlling high blood sugar.
Low sugar diet reduces the supplementation of glucose to blood which prevent sits level from shooting up. The foods which are low on sugar, carb and starch are reckoned as good foods for a diabetic. These foods shall form the core of diet and shall be consumed in high quantity with meals. Glycemic index of foods helps in choosing right kind of foods for diabetic, other than this plate method and carb count is other method to work out a proper diet plan which supplements minimal sugar to manage diabetes.
Foods to Eat and Avoid In Diabetes
Wholegrain – Healthy Diet to Control Sugar Level
Wholegrain like oats, rye, whole wheat, buckwheat, barley, quinoa, millet and brown rice are the best foods to eat in diabetes. These foods are low on glycemic index and supplement low carb and starch and are high on minerals. These provide energy and strengthen bodily organs and are filling too. High fibre content is another benefit which makes these the best foods to eat in diabetes.
Avoid : white rice, white bread, sugary cereal, instant oatmeal, corn and cornflakes as these are the foods to avoid in diabetes.
Vegetables – Healthy Diet for Diabetic Patients
In case of vegetables, varieties like Swiss chard, spinach, carrots, turnips, tomato, broccoli, Brussels sprout, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, bokchoy, cucumber and lettuce are foods to eat in diabetes but one should keep an eye on the level of starch while choosing vegetables. Body needs starch and even a diabetic needs it in healthy quantity. Consuming low starch varieties or mixing low starch and high starch veggies in proper proportion is very necessary.
Avoid : too much potato and prefer sweet potato instead and do not use salted and canned veggies and prefer coloured vegetables. High sodium and low on nutrition veggies are the foods to avoid in diabetes.
Fruits – Best Food for Diabetic Patients
Fruits are foods to eat in diabetes because these are mostly low in carbs and sodium and high in minerals, fibre and vitamins. What one needs to take care of is that eating whole fruit is recommended rather than fruit juices as fruit juices are many times low in nutrition which makes acidic content higher so these things make fruit juices as foods to avoid diabetes. Coloured foods are the best and one should always prefer fresh fruits rather than canned ones. Apples, banana, watermelon, cantaloupe, berries, oranges, etc., are good foods to eat in diabetes.
Avoid : Fruits contain more carbs that vegetables so limited quantity of fruits shall be consumed compared to veggies. Sugary canned fruits, fruit jams, jelly, applesauce, fruit rolls, fruit punch and fruit drinks are also foods to avoid in diabetes.
Dairy Products – Best Food to Eat in Diabetes
Dairy products shall be included in diet of a diabetic as these are vital for keeping bones and muscular endurance higher. 1% skimmed milk, non-fat and non-sugar yoghurt, low fat cottage cheese and no-fat sour cream are good foods to eat in diabetes.
Strictly Avoid : whole milk, regular yoghurt, regular cheese and regular sour cream as these are foods to avoid in diabetes.
Proteins – Best Food to Eat in Diabetes
Proteins are vitally necessary for energy and endurance of body. The best foods to eat in diabetes to gain proper protein supplementation are plan-based protein foods. Prefer sources of protein like beans, tofu, nuts and seeds. The protein supplemented by these foods gets absorbed in the body smoothly without picking sugar levels. If you eat meat, avoid skin and prefer organ meat instead of other parts. Other plant-based protein food sources like chicken fish, seafood and eggs are safe to eat by a diabetic.
Avoid : Fried meats, deep fried fish, high-cut meats like ribs, pork bacon, deep fried tofu and beans prepared with lard are foods to avoid in diabetes strictly.
Fats – Good Diet for Healthy Blood Sugar
Fats are needed by the body necessarily. In high blood sugar condition, a person can feel tired and exhausted due to low energy supplementation and in this case, fats and carbs come to rescue as their healthy intake is good for a diabetic. Consume healthy fats via walnuts, almonds, coconut oil, olive oil, canola oil, flaxseeds, fish oil and avocado. Drink plenty of water during the day. Drinks like buttermilk, unsweetened tea and black coffee without sugar are also good for a diabetic.
Avoid : artificial oils and fat sources containing trans-fat, avoid sugary drinks regular soda, sweetened tea and coffee with milk and cream. These are foods to avoid in diabetes.
Apart from these, reduce or cut-off soda and soft drinks and check for saturated fats. Be careful with alcohol, if you can avoid it completely it is best but if you want to consume make sure that quantity is always limited. Avoid wine and beer as these contain higher calories and carbs compared to hard drinks. Foods containing higher calories are foods to avoid in diabetes or keep their intake minimum. Pre-sweetened foods, processed and refined foods of all types are foods to avoid in diabetes. Breads, ready to eat cereals and low fat products marketed as foods to eat in diabetes may have hidden sugar content so as far as possible avoid such foods too.
When we discuss healthy foods for diabetic patients, the only thing which comes to mind is sugar content. While deciding foods to eat and avoid in diabetes people give too much importance to glycemic index or GI which can be deceptive many times. Amount of fat present in foods shall also be a part to keep an eye upon while choosing healthy foods for diabetic patients.
Trans-fats and saturated fats are clearly most hazardous for health and are prohibited for a diabetic. Packaged foods generally contain high trans-fats which prevent foods from spoiling and help to increase their shelf-life. Saturated fats are in abundance in many commonly used foods and oils which are not healthy foods for diabetic patients. One can easily replace unhealthy fats with healthy fats by changing diet plan without compromising the quality of taste.
Nuts and Seeds – Healthy Foods for Diabetic Patients
Here are few tips about foods to eat and avoid in diabetes and keep fat intake healthy. Use nuts and seeds as snacks instead of chips and crackers. Nuts and seeds are sources of healthy fats and are recommended as healthy foods for diabetic patients.
Avoid : frying the food instead broil, steam or bake to avoid saturated fats from oils. If you are non-vegan choose red meat of grass-fed animals and prefer organ meat rather than flesh.
Commercial salad dressings are not healthy foods for diabetic patients. These may look harmless but are hazardous even in small quantity. Choose olive oil, sesame oil or flaxseed oil as salad dressings. Along with proper care of foods to eat and avoid in diabetes, maintaining timings to eat and keeping food diary is also very necessary. Staying on an empty stomach and eating later can pike sugar levels even if one consumes low sugar diet. Food diary helps in calculating sugar, fat and carb intake to manage diabetes and also helps in deciding foods to eat and avoid in diabetes.
Ayurvedic Supplements For Type-2 Diabetes
Diabgon capsules are herbal supplements for maintaining healthy sugar levels and in combination with healthy diet and lifestyle, these supplements reduce intensity of the problem and allow a person to lead a normal life. These pills possess herbs which increase insulin secretion by increasing beta cells in pancreas. Healthy number of beta cells promotes production and secretion of quality insulin which metabolizes sugar faster and better and protects overall health from side effects of diabetes.
Diabgon capsules also keep energy levels higher and protect nerves and delicate organs of the body like eyes from side effects of the problem. If a person takes care of his or her daily routine and follow a dietary regimen which takes care of foods to eat and avoid in diabetes, these supplements can bring far better results than any other treatment available. These herbal diabetes supplements are fit to be used by people of all ages and these do not pose any threat like low sugar level or sudden drop in sugar level like other medicines. These are free of side effects and can be taken without any medical prescription. These also do not contradict with any on-going treatment.
Foods to Eat and Avoid In Diabetes, Foods for Diabetic Patients
Diabetes or hyperglycemia is a condition which occurs due to poor sugar metabolism in body. Human body needs glucose to supply it to the cells for energy production. If cells do not get energy, they are unable to perform their functions, which is severely harmful to overall health. Body needs insulin to metabolize sugar, insulin is a type of hormone produced by pancreas which carries sugar from blood to cells where it gets absorbed for energy production. Lack of insulin in body or poor quality insulin raises the level of sugar in blood as body is unable to utilize it for energy production. Hyperglycemia can be categorized broadly into two categories type 1 and type 2.
Type 1 is caused by lesser insulin or no insulin production, type 2 is insulin resistant diabetes in which cells of the body do not absorb glucose or sugar provided by insulin. Type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1. High sugar level in blood is harmful for body in various ways. It creates scarcity of energy and severe weakness, causes sudden and substantial weight loss and also harms the nervous system.
For more on diabetes, check out:
Best Food for Type 2 Diabetes Diet
List of Best Foods to Control Diabetes
Foods for Diabetic Patients
Diabetes is for life and once this disorder has settled-in, it stays forever and proper management of sugar levels is the only way to protect the health. Dietary and lifestyle changes and proper treatment collectively provide proper sugar management and keep its level in blood within a healthy limit. Sugar is not all the way harmful and it is necessary for life as having low sugar levels in blood is equally serious as high blood sugar. So, keeping its level within healthy limits is good for health as it allows a person to lead normal life. Body obtains sugar from foods one eats. During digestion, liver stores this sugar in the form of glycogen to fulfil energy requirements later.
Causes of diabetes are not known exactly, some factors increase the chances in a person to suffer with this problem, tendency to eat too much sugary, starch or high carb foods, genetic predisposition, hypertension, high cholesterol and pancreatic issues are commonly found causes which increase chances in a person for high blood sugar. Lethargic lifestyle, use of tobacco, smoking, untimely diet and poor digestion can increase sugar levels in blood by varying its level few times in a day. Proper diet can be immensely helpful in controlling high blood sugar.
Low sugar diet reduces the supplementation of glucose to blood which prevent sits level from shooting up. The foods which are low on sugar, carb and starch are reckoned as good foods for a diabetic. These foods shall form the core of diet and shall be consumed in high quantity with meals. Glycemic index of foods helps in choosing right kind of foods for diabetic, other than this plate method and carb count is other method to work out a proper diet plan which supplements minimal sugar to manage diabetes.
Foods to Eat and Avoid In Diabetes
Wholegrain – Healthy Diet to Control Sugar Level
Wholegrain like oats, rye, whole wheat, buckwheat, barley, quinoa, millet and brown rice are the best foods to eat in diabetes. These foods are low on glycemic index and supplement low carb and starch and are high on minerals. These provide energy and strengthen bodily organs and are filling too. High fibre content is another benefit which makes these the best foods to eat in diabetes.
Avoid : white rice, white bread, sugary cereal, instant oatmeal, corn and cornflakes as these are the foods to avoid in diabetes.
Vegetables – Healthy Diet for Diabetic Patients
In case of vegetables, varieties like Swiss chard, spinach, carrots, turnips, tomato, broccoli, Brussels sprout, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, bokchoy, cucumber and lettuce are foods to eat in diabetes but one should keep an eye on the level of starch while choosing vegetables. Body needs starch and even a diabetic needs it in healthy quantity. Consuming low starch varieties or mixing low starch and high starch veggies in proper proportion is very necessary.
Avoid : too much potato and prefer sweet potato instead and do not use salted and canned veggies and prefer coloured vegetables. High sodium and low on nutrition veggies are the foods to avoid in diabetes.
Fruits – Best Food for Diabetic Patients
Fruits are foods to eat in diabetes because these are mostly low in carbs and sodium and high in minerals, fibre and vitamins. What one needs to take care of is that eating whole fruit is recommended rather than fruit juices as fruit juices are many times low in nutrition which makes acidic content higher so these things make fruit juices as foods to avoid diabetes. Coloured foods are the best and one should always prefer fresh fruits rather than canned ones. Apples, banana, watermelon, cantaloupe, berries, oranges, etc., are good foods to eat in diabetes.
Avoid : Fruits contain more carbs that vegetables so limited quantity of fruits shall be consumed compared to veggies. Sugary canned fruits, fruit jams, jelly, applesauce, fruit rolls, fruit punch and fruit drinks are also foods to avoid in diabetes.
Dairy Products – Best Food to Eat in Diabetes
Dairy products shall be included in diet of a diabetic as these are vital for keeping bones and muscular endurance higher. 1% skimmed milk, non-fat and non-sugar yoghurt, low fat cottage cheese and no-fat sour cream are good foods to eat in diabetes.
Strictly Avoid : whole milk, regular yoghurt, regular cheese and regular sour cream as these are foods to avoid in diabetes.
Proteins – Best Food to Eat in Diabetes
Proteins are vitally necessary for energy and endurance of body. The best foods to eat in diabetes to gain proper protein supplementation are plan-based protein foods. Prefer sources of protein like beans, tofu, nuts and seeds. The protein supplemented by these foods gets absorbed in the body smoothly without picking sugar levels. If you eat meat, avoid skin and prefer organ meat instead of other parts. Other plant-based protein food sources like chicken fish, seafood and eggs are safe to eat by a diabetic.
Avoid : Fried meats, deep fried fish, high-cut meats like ribs, pork bacon, deep fried tofu and beans prepared with lard are foods to avoid in diabetes strictly.
Fats – Good Diet for Healthy Blood Sugar
Fats are needed by the body necessarily. In high blood sugar condition, a person can feel tired and exhausted due to low energy supplementation and in this case, fats and carbs come to rescue as their healthy intake is good for a diabetic. Consume healthy fats via walnuts, almonds, coconut oil, olive oil, canola oil, flaxseeds, fish oil and avocado. Drink plenty of water during the day. Drinks like buttermilk, unsweetened tea and black coffee without sugar are also good for a diabetic.
Avoid : artificial oils and fat sources containing trans-fat, avoid sugary drinks regular soda, sweetened tea and coffee with milk and cream. These are foods to avoid in diabetes.
Apart from these, reduce or cut-off soda and soft drinks and check for saturated fats. Be careful with alcohol, if you can avoid it completely it is best but if you want to consume make sure that quantity is always limited. Avoid wine and beer as these contain higher calories and carbs compared to hard drinks. Foods containing higher calories are foods to avoid in diabetes or keep their intake minimum. Pre-sweetened foods, processed and refined foods of all types are foods to avoid in diabetes. Breads, ready to eat cereals and low fat products marketed as foods to eat in diabetes may have hidden sugar content so as far as possible avoid such foods too.
When we discuss healthy foods for diabetic patients, the only thing which comes to mind is sugar content. While deciding foods to eat and avoid in diabetes people give too much importance to glycemic index or GI which can be deceptive many times. Amount of fat present in foods shall also be a part to keep an eye upon while choosing healthy foods for diabetic patients.
Trans-fats and saturated fats are clearly most hazardous for health and are prohibited for a diabetic. Packaged foods generally contain high trans-fats which prevent foods from spoiling and help to increase their shelf-life. Saturated fats are in abundance in many commonly used foods and oils which are not healthy foods for diabetic patients. One can easily replace unhealthy fats with healthy fats by changing diet plan without compromising the quality of taste.
Nuts and Seeds – Healthy Foods for Diabetic Patients
Here are few tips about foods to eat and avoid in diabetes and keep fat intake healthy. Use nuts and seeds as snacks instead of chips and crackers. Nuts and seeds are sources of healthy fats and are recommended as healthy foods for diabetic patients.
Avoid : frying the food instead broil, steam or bake to avoid saturated fats from oils. If you are non-vegan choose red meat of grass-fed animals and prefer organ meat rather than flesh.
Commercial salad dressings are not healthy foods for diabetic patients. These may look harmless but are hazardous even in small quantity. Choose olive oil, sesame oil or flaxseed oil as salad dressings. Along with proper care of foods to eat and avoid in diabetes, maintaining timings to eat and keeping food diary is also very necessary. Staying on an empty stomach and eating later can pike sugar levels even if one consumes low sugar diet. Food diary helps in calculating sugar, fat and carb intake to manage diabetes and also helps in deciding foods to eat and avoid in diabetes.
Ayurvedic Supplements For Type-2 Diabetes
Diabgon capsules are herbal supplements for maintaining healthy sugar levels and in combination with healthy diet and lifestyle, these supplements reduce intensity of the problem and allow a person to lead a normal life. These pills possess herbs which increase insulin secretion by increasing beta cells in pancreas. Healthy number of beta cells promotes production and secretion of quality insulin which metabolizes sugar faster and better and protects overall health from side effects of diabetes.
Diabgon capsules also keep energy levels higher and protect nerves and delicate organs of the body like eyes from side effects of the problem. If a person takes care of his or her daily routine and follow a dietary regimen which takes care of foods to eat and avoid in diabetes, these supplements can bring far better results than any other treatment available. These herbal diabetes supplements are fit to be used by people of all ages and these do not pose any threat like low sugar level or sudden drop in sugar level like other medicines. These are free of side effects and can be taken without any medical prescription. These also do not contradict with any on-going treatment.
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