The information presented in this website is of general nature and is meant for educational purpose only. We strive to provide the best herbal advice to the users through our website’s extraordinary content and even the answer of user’s queries is provided by a herbal expert. Some content of our health forums can be user-generated which is beyond our control. But the information mentioned in this website or the free consultation provided by our experts must not be considered as a replacement for medical advice from doctors, clinical check-up, hospital treatment, ayurvedic centre, etc. pertaining to one’s specific health condition by any means.
Our herbal products cannot replace any ongoing treatment for any chronic disease so one must not completely rely on them and keep following the regular treatment for the same. The effectiveness of our products depends on factors like nutrition, regularity of usage, body’s recovery ability, lifestyle habits, mental state and severity of condition. Hence, it is the consumer’s duty to follow a healthy lifestyle, eat proper food, take proper sleep, quit bad habits and follow the directions of use consistently.
In mild cases of ailments, results can even show up in 2 months while in more severe cases, results are obtained after completion of 6 months. So the number of months mentioned in the product description page gives only a rough idea of the tentative time frame of treatment. We neither guarantee the results of our herbal products nor do we promise that the ailment will be cured permanently.
We have compiled the best possible home remedies and natural treatments in our blogs from varied sources and after consulting many herbal experts. But still these natural remedies must not be considered as universal panacea that will alleviate all your ailments. It is the sole responsibility of the user to keep a check whether or not he or she is allergic to a particular ingredient. Users must also take consultation from a doctor and follow precautions to ensure that these measures will be suitable to them.
Users must carefully look at the ingredients, packaging, etc. of our herbal products and assess whether they will be suitable to them. Our ayurvedic products have served thousands of customers all over the world in mitigating their ailments which is quite evident from our user reviews. All the user feedbacks and reviews are 100% genuine and are not meant for endorsement purposes. We might have changed the name of the reviewer to uphold the privacy and altered the length of the testimonial to follow legal guidelines.
It is not necessary that the models displayed in our website are advertising our products. Ayurved Research Foundation will not be held responsible for any cases of mishaps or inefficiency of these treatments occurring in even rarest of all cases.