Testosterone is main male sex hormone, it is also called as youth hormone which brings puberty, and it is very critical to keep a man potent, virile and mentally healthy. The level of this hormone begins to decline steadily due to natural reasons after age of 20 years, but in many cases this decline is sudden and too steep which raises severe side effects. Commonly seen side effects of low testosterone levels are low libido, poor quality of erections, depleting volume of semen, muscular weakness and signs of depression.
There are certain foods to increase testosterone which can be included in regular diet to protect male from facing sudden drop in T hormone levels and also to increase their secretion. Foods and herbs to increase testosterone levels are safest treatments. Supplementation of T hormones through injections and other methods can raise its level all of a sudden and cause imbalance with adrenal gland and other hormones to cause severe problems. Herbs and foods to increase testosterone increase its level naturally without causing any imbalance or side effect. Here are few tried and tested foods and herbs to increase testosterone level in men.
Foods and Herbs to Increase Testosterone Level in Men
Pumpkin Seeds – Foods to Increase Testosterone Level
Whether one uses them plain or roasted, these are excellent foods to increase testosterone in men and promote potency and fertility. The major advantage of these seeds is their rich content of zinc. These minerals dilate blood vessels and allow smooth flow of blood which increases nutritional and oxygen supply to organs and nerves and also protect testicles from cell damage due to lesser nutritional supplementation. Along with zinc, these seeds are sources of variety of vitamins like C, B, D, E and K which all are libido boosting and potency enhancer nutrients. Consumption of pumpkin seeds increase testosterone level in men naturally without causing any imbalance and also supply crucial minerals like calcium, potassium and phosphorous in body. These improve male’s fertility as the nutrition provided by these seeds increase sperm count and produce healthy and motile sperms.
Dark Chocolate – Best Foods to Increase Sex Power
This is one of the foods to increase testosterone which works instantly and give a boost to desire and drive of a male. It is considered as libido enhancing food for women too. Dark chocolate contains phenylethylamine compound which is directly linked with male genital organs and system. It stimulates testicles to produce and release this vital hormone and increases sensitivity of senses and promote feeling of excitement and lovemaking desire in males. Regular consumption of dark chocolate maintains functions of testicles and production of T hormones to enhance male’s libido and abilities to make intense love. This food increase testosterone level in men but shall be consumed in moderate quantities.
Ginger – Home Treatment to Enhance Sexual Health
This rhizome is health promoting in many ways. It possesses enzymes which metabolize complex food items faster and promote metabolism. It is immunity enhancer that curbs microbial and viral activities. It has powerful aphrodisiac properties which is the major benefit of this spice for males running low on testosterone. Consumption of ginger in raw or tea form elevates level of T hormones and it also improves flow of blood. It increases flow of blood towards male genital region and strengthens organs and stimulates nerves. This is one of the trusted foods to increase testosterone in men that promote higher libido and faster metabolism as well.
Watermelons – Herbs to Increase T Hormones
People and researches have shown that effects of watermelon over males are like that of Viagra. The amino acids citrulline present in this fruit is wonderful for relaxing blood vessels and increasing flow of blood particularly towards male genital region. Higher flow of blood brings nutrition and increase sensation and stimulates testicles to produce and release T hormones in optimum quantity. This fruit have 92% water and remaining part contains powerful and super-charged antioxidants and vitamins like A, C and B6.
This fruit is also enriched with lycopene and amino acids which boost-up male’s vitality and enhance his reproductive system functions to promote virility and potency. Regular use of diced watermelon as snack or part of salad is one of the excellent natural way for low testosterone for males of all ages. It gets smoothly digested and also facilitates digestion of other complex food items which makes it great supplement for maintaining level of T hormones in body.
Avocado – Good Food to Gain Vitality and Virility
This fruit is lesser known for its excellent properties to increase T hormones. This fruit contains healthy fats and fatty acids that supplements fat which get digested smoothly and produce energy, and it is also rich source of folate which metabolizes protein effectively. Faster and better protein metabolism improves energy levels and also builds muscle mass to improve vitality and fitness of a male. Regular consumption of this fruit is wonderful for gaining sound vitality and higher virility and potency.
Safed Musli – Herbs to Increase Energy and Stamina
This is one of the renowned herbs to increase testosterone levels in men. It is rejuvenating and vitality enhancer too. This herb comes loaded with variety of nutrients which collectively improve internal processes and make organs healthy and stronger to improve physical fitness, energy and stamina. The aphrodisiac properties of this herb increase production and release of T hormone and also protect this hormone from damages inflicted by harmful hormones and free-radicals. This herb protects male genital organs form stress and harmful compounds, and also reverse damages caused to testicles by chemical or heavy metal exposure.
Semal Musli – Natural Herbs for Testosterone Hormone
This herb is cleanser and protective, it is curative too and treats many metabolic disorders efficiently to maintain energy and health of a male. Though this herb may not have any direct link with T hormone levels in males but it is used in most of the herbal remedies for testosterone hormone, reason is that it eliminates presence of compounds, hormones and acids which scavenge healthy T hormone or slowdown its production by affecting testicles and other genital organs negatively. Many males suffer with low T hormones due to heavy presence of toxins and metabolic disorders. Semal Musli is reckoned as herbs to increase testosterone levels as it protects this hormone form damage and prevent its scarcity in male body.
Kali Musli – Herbs to Increase T Hormones
It is powerful anti-ageing and rich source of active and powerful anti-oxidants. It has abundant reserves of carotenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins etc., and protects cells and tissues of body from free-radical mechanism. Antioxidants not only slowdown process of ageing but also clear blood vessels from blockages and improve flow of blood. Higher blood flow is extremely useful for improving endurance and performance of organs and heightens energy levels. It protects glands and testicles from damages caused by oxidative stress and also shield side effects of ageing and harmful toxins. This is one of the efficient herbs to increase testosterone levels. In combination with Safed and Semal Musli, Kali Musli provides complete support to physical mental and sexual health of a male and cure disorders and debilities.
Kaunch Beej – Herbs to Treat Nerve Disorders
This is one of the most effective herbs for improving nervous system. Strong and healthy nerves are wonderful for improving vitality and virility of a male and increase his libido. Kaunch Beej is part of most of the herbal remedies for low testosterone and for treating male issues like ED, PE, wet dreams etc. It is anthelmintic, emollient, aphrodisiac, thermogenic, alexipharmic, laxative and astringent in nature and improves sperm motility and count too efficiently. This herb due to its versatile benefits is prescribed for treating serious nerve disorders like Parkinson’s etc. It lowers toxin presence in body, toxins when sneak into blood stream are damaging for overall health and also lower level of health promoting hormones in blood. These also damage important glands of the body and can affect testicular functions negatively to create scarcity of T hormones.
Gokshuru – Best Herbs to Improve Testicular Function
This herb too is nerve tonic aphrodisiac and one of the excellent herbal remedies for low testosterone. Improved nerves are beneficial for males in many ways, these keep genital region sensitive which arouses them quickly and intensely and active nerves prevent all sorts of involuntary ejaculations and early discharge. Aphrodisiac nature of this herb elevates level of T hormones by improving testicular functions. This herb is beneficial for overall health of male as well and plays a vital role in improving energy and stamina. It is excellent remedy for urinary disorders too.
Herbal Supplements To Increase T-Levels In Men
Musli Kaunch Shakti capsules possess all these herbs in perfect combination and right dosage to deliver wonderful results with ease. Males suffering with low testosterone levels gain fast and holistic natural treatment by using these ayurvedic energy booster pills. The effect of nutritive, aphrodisiac and metabolism enhancer herbs from musli family and astonishingly beneficial herbs like Gokhsuru and Kaunch beej provide male balanced secretion of youth hormones and strong reproductive system. These also enhance male’s vitality and energy and keep him potent and virile for longer period in life. The effects of herbal ingredients present in Musli Kaunch Shakti capsules are anti-ageing too. These allow males to enjoy their love-life even at later age and bring back lost passion and lust in life of elderly individuals.
Along with treatment of disorders and low physical energy, these herbal testosterone enhancer supplements are also recommended to males suffering with poor fertility due to low sperm count or low semen volume. These improve prostate gland’s health too and provide relief to male suffering with side effects of obesity, growing age, hand-practice and other kinds of bad habits due to enlarged, swollen or congested prostate gland.
These improve urinary system functions and maintain healthy kidney functions. These supplements are purely herbal and free of side effects. These enhance testosterone levels safely and do not cause any imbalance with other glands and hormones. Comparing it with hormonal therapy these are almost inexpensive and 100% free of side effects, and provide heartening results in each case. Males of any age can use these without any medical prescription.
10 Foods and Herbs to Increase Testosterone Level In Men
Testosterone is main male sex hormone, it is also called as youth hormone which brings puberty, and it is very critical to keep a man potent, virile and mentally healthy. The level of this hormone begins to decline steadily due to natural reasons after age of 20 years, but in many cases this decline is sudden and too steep which raises severe side effects. Commonly seen side effects of low testosterone levels are low libido, poor quality of erections, depleting volume of semen, muscular weakness and signs of depression.
There are certain foods to increase testosterone which can be included in regular diet to protect male from facing sudden drop in T hormone levels and also to increase their secretion. Foods and herbs to increase testosterone levels are safest treatments. Supplementation of T hormones through injections and other methods can raise its level all of a sudden and cause imbalance with adrenal gland and other hormones to cause severe problems. Herbs and foods to increase testosterone increase its level naturally without causing any imbalance or side effect. Here are few tried and tested foods and herbs to increase testosterone level in men.
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Foods and Herbs to Increase Testosterone Level in Men
Pumpkin Seeds – Foods to Increase Testosterone Level
Whether one uses them plain or roasted, these are excellent foods to increase testosterone in men and promote potency and fertility. The major advantage of these seeds is their rich content of zinc. These minerals dilate blood vessels and allow smooth flow of blood which increases nutritional and oxygen supply to organs and nerves and also protect testicles from cell damage due to lesser nutritional supplementation. Along with zinc, these seeds are sources of variety of vitamins like C, B, D, E and K which all are libido boosting and potency enhancer nutrients. Consumption of pumpkin seeds increase testosterone level in men naturally without causing any imbalance and also supply crucial minerals like calcium, potassium and phosphorous in body. These improve male’s fertility as the nutrition provided by these seeds increase sperm count and produce healthy and motile sperms.
Dark Chocolate – Best Foods to Increase Sex Power
This is one of the foods to increase testosterone which works instantly and give a boost to desire and drive of a male. It is considered as libido enhancing food for women too. Dark chocolate contains phenylethylamine compound which is directly linked with male genital organs and system. It stimulates testicles to produce and release this vital hormone and increases sensitivity of senses and promote feeling of excitement and lovemaking desire in males. Regular consumption of dark chocolate maintains functions of testicles and production of T hormones to enhance male’s libido and abilities to make intense love. This food increase testosterone level in men but shall be consumed in moderate quantities.
Ginger – Home Treatment to Enhance Sexual Health
This rhizome is health promoting in many ways. It possesses enzymes which metabolize complex food items faster and promote metabolism. It is immunity enhancer that curbs microbial and viral activities. It has powerful aphrodisiac properties which is the major benefit of this spice for males running low on testosterone. Consumption of ginger in raw or tea form elevates level of T hormones and it also improves flow of blood. It increases flow of blood towards male genital region and strengthens organs and stimulates nerves. This is one of the trusted foods to increase testosterone in men that promote higher libido and faster metabolism as well.
Watermelons – Herbs to Increase T Hormones
People and researches have shown that effects of watermelon over males are like that of Viagra. The amino acids citrulline present in this fruit is wonderful for relaxing blood vessels and increasing flow of blood particularly towards male genital region. Higher flow of blood brings nutrition and increase sensation and stimulates testicles to produce and release T hormones in optimum quantity. This fruit have 92% water and remaining part contains powerful and super-charged antioxidants and vitamins like A, C and B6.
This fruit is also enriched with lycopene and amino acids which boost-up male’s vitality and enhance his reproductive system functions to promote virility and potency. Regular use of diced watermelon as snack or part of salad is one of the excellent natural way for low testosterone for males of all ages. It gets smoothly digested and also facilitates digestion of other complex food items which makes it great supplement for maintaining level of T hormones in body.
Avocado – Good Food to Gain Vitality and Virility
This fruit is lesser known for its excellent properties to increase T hormones. This fruit contains healthy fats and fatty acids that supplements fat which get digested smoothly and produce energy, and it is also rich source of folate which metabolizes protein effectively. Faster and better protein metabolism improves energy levels and also builds muscle mass to improve vitality and fitness of a male. Regular consumption of this fruit is wonderful for gaining sound vitality and higher virility and potency.
Safed Musli – Herbs to Increase Energy and Stamina
This is one of the renowned herbs to increase testosterone levels in men. It is rejuvenating and vitality enhancer too. This herb comes loaded with variety of nutrients which collectively improve internal processes and make organs healthy and stronger to improve physical fitness, energy and stamina. The aphrodisiac properties of this herb increase production and release of T hormone and also protect this hormone from damages inflicted by harmful hormones and free-radicals. This herb protects male genital organs form stress and harmful compounds, and also reverse damages caused to testicles by chemical or heavy metal exposure.
Semal Musli – Natural Herbs for Testosterone Hormone
This herb is cleanser and protective, it is curative too and treats many metabolic disorders efficiently to maintain energy and health of a male. Though this herb may not have any direct link with T hormone levels in males but it is used in most of the herbal remedies for testosterone hormone, reason is that it eliminates presence of compounds, hormones and acids which scavenge healthy T hormone or slowdown its production by affecting testicles and other genital organs negatively. Many males suffer with low T hormones due to heavy presence of toxins and metabolic disorders. Semal Musli is reckoned as herbs to increase testosterone levels as it protects this hormone form damage and prevent its scarcity in male body.
Kali Musli – Herbs to Increase T Hormones
It is powerful anti-ageing and rich source of active and powerful anti-oxidants. It has abundant reserves of carotenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins etc., and protects cells and tissues of body from free-radical mechanism. Antioxidants not only slowdown process of ageing but also clear blood vessels from blockages and improve flow of blood. Higher blood flow is extremely useful for improving endurance and performance of organs and heightens energy levels. It protects glands and testicles from damages caused by oxidative stress and also shield side effects of ageing and harmful toxins. This is one of the efficient herbs to increase testosterone levels. In combination with Safed and Semal Musli, Kali Musli provides complete support to physical mental and sexual health of a male and cure disorders and debilities.
Kaunch Beej – Herbs to Treat Nerve Disorders
This is one of the most effective herbs for improving nervous system. Strong and healthy nerves are wonderful for improving vitality and virility of a male and increase his libido. Kaunch Beej is part of most of the herbal remedies for low testosterone and for treating male issues like ED, PE, wet dreams etc. It is anthelmintic, emollient, aphrodisiac, thermogenic, alexipharmic, laxative and astringent in nature and improves sperm motility and count too efficiently. This herb due to its versatile benefits is prescribed for treating serious nerve disorders like Parkinson’s etc. It lowers toxin presence in body, toxins when sneak into blood stream are damaging for overall health and also lower level of health promoting hormones in blood. These also damage important glands of the body and can affect testicular functions negatively to create scarcity of T hormones.
Gokshuru – Best Herbs to Improve Testicular Function
This herb too is nerve tonic aphrodisiac and one of the excellent herbal remedies for low testosterone. Improved nerves are beneficial for males in many ways, these keep genital region sensitive which arouses them quickly and intensely and active nerves prevent all sorts of involuntary ejaculations and early discharge. Aphrodisiac nature of this herb elevates level of T hormones by improving testicular functions. This herb is beneficial for overall health of male as well and plays a vital role in improving energy and stamina. It is excellent remedy for urinary disorders too.
Herbal Supplements To Increase T-Levels In Men
Musli Kaunch Shakti capsules possess all these herbs in perfect combination and right dosage to deliver wonderful results with ease. Males suffering with low testosterone levels gain fast and holistic natural treatment by using these ayurvedic energy booster pills. The effect of nutritive, aphrodisiac and metabolism enhancer herbs from musli family and astonishingly beneficial herbs like Gokhsuru and Kaunch beej provide male balanced secretion of youth hormones and strong reproductive system. These also enhance male’s vitality and energy and keep him potent and virile for longer period in life. The effects of herbal ingredients present in Musli Kaunch Shakti capsules are anti-ageing too. These allow males to enjoy their love-life even at later age and bring back lost passion and lust in life of elderly individuals.
Along with treatment of disorders and low physical energy, these herbal testosterone enhancer supplements are also recommended to males suffering with poor fertility due to low sperm count or low semen volume. These improve prostate gland’s health too and provide relief to male suffering with side effects of obesity, growing age, hand-practice and other kinds of bad habits due to enlarged, swollen or congested prostate gland.
These improve urinary system functions and maintain healthy kidney functions. These supplements are purely herbal and free of side effects. These enhance testosterone levels safely and do not cause any imbalance with other glands and hormones. Comparing it with hormonal therapy these are almost inexpensive and 100% free of side effects, and provide heartening results in each case. Males of any age can use these without any medical prescription.
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